Covid-19 Nepal Latest Update 2021
Posted in 24th Sep, 2021
The whole world has been stuck and bared a huge loss due to Covid-19 Pandemic. Nepal has been closed until 2020 November and the Government of Nepal declared to open the international flights with a strict protocol with compulsory quarantine stays of a minimum of 10 Days.

The quarantine protocol was quite pleasing to ensure the safety of the traveler as well as the nation. But, it has had been tough for travelers to take few days of quarantine at their own expense.
In General, a normal traveler in Nepal would require just a minimum of 10 days in Nepal and around 14 days in their home country, which in total would take 24-25 days just for quarantine + trip days on their own expenses which made an impossible decision for many to make.
With constant pressure from tourism workers and travel companies to Nepal Tourism Board (NTB), NTB has finally succeeded the health ministry and Government bodies in finishing off the quarantine days for travelers with complete COVID-19 double dose taken.
We Sherpa Himalaya feel great pleasure to welcome travelers who have been stuck there and have always been looking forward to visiting Nepal even in this pandemic condition. COVID-19 has now become a part of lively hood and it can never be skip. All we can do is get vaccinated against it and maintain the hygiene and precautionary protocols.
Here are the mandatory documents that are travelers should bring with them if He/She looks forward to visiting Nepal after completion of both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.
- A proof stating the completion of both the doses of vaccine and has completed 14 days of completion after vaccination.
- 72 hours fresh PCR Negative report before departing into Nepal flight.
- Application/documents for Trekking, Expedition. Travel, or Business.
- Letter from Hotel confirming your booking.
- CCMC arrival form should be submitted and printed Bar code provided will be required.
Here are the mandatory things /documents that are travelers should bring or work with them if He/She looks forward to visiting Nepal without completing both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.
- On the PCT test here in Nepal if one is found to be infected with COVID-19, He/ She must stay in isolation in a hotel listed by the Government of Nepal for 10 days and only after the positive report after 10 Days He/She can plan for upcoming plans in Nepal.
- During the isolation here in Nepal all the expenses must be done by the traveler itself.
- All the traveler must be responsible to take the PCR test if he/she feels infected and on infection, he or she must stay isolated for minimum 10 Days.
- Travel companies/ Trekking companies must be responsible for helping the protocol to be run by their clients.
- The hotel must be responsible for the isolated clients to follow the protocol during the stay in Hotel.
- If any traveler does not work with the protocol Hotel and Companies must report to tourist police and necessary consequences should be faced.

These are the protocols for the tourist for traveling in Nepal. More additional updates can be made from time to time upon requirement by the Department of Tourism. For more updates keep visiting Sherpa Himalaya’s official website.
You can also feel free to get information personally by contacting us via email: | Cell/WhatsApp/Viber: +977-9851127748 | +977-9840780497