The new height of Mt. Everest | Mt. Everest increased by 2ft
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The new height of Mt. Everest | Mt. Everest increased by 2ft

Posted in 8th Dec, 2020

The highest point on the Earth i.e summit of Mt. Everest is officially declared by Nepal and China that it has increased by 2feet. The previous height of Mount Everest was 8848m which now counts to 2903.691 ft / 8848.86m.

The new height of Mt. Everest 8848.86 m / 29031.691 ft is declared on December 8 | 2020 by both the survey department of the Chinese and Nepali survey authority. The survey authority works jointly measuring the height of many high mountains which are border Nepal and China.


This announcement by the two countries is a historic decision since 1849 when it was first measured by the British and have been consequently facing different controversies regarding height.

Mt. Everest got its fame as the world’s highest mountain in 1856 measured by a great Mathematician from India known as Radhanath Sickdhar. At the time the Mt. Everest was known as Peak XV.

After 1856 there was much debate in India to put the new name for the mountain. Scholar of India was after the peak to put native names such as Deva- Dunga, Ghaurishankar and more but in 1865 the Royal Geographical Society declared to put the name of Peak XV as Mt. Everest.

In earlier days when there was a satellite survey, they used a theodolite device to find the exact height. The peaks were measured by placing the equipment at different hilltops and to the sea level to determine the distance.

The height of Mt. Everest was not constant, In 1995 it grew higher by 26ft which made the new height 8848m and again in 1999 it again grew by 7 ft and reached 8850m. By the 2015 earthquake, many geologists and scientists believed that the height of Mt. Everest shrunk by almost 3 cm although it was not officially declared.

With the recent declaration for the new height of Mt. Everest, the procedure for its measurement was started in May 2019. A team of climbers was sent to summit Mt. Everest and a GPS device was inserted at the summit.

The new height was known a lot earlier. It was not declared out to the world due to political issues. When the President of China XI Jinping visited Nepal in October 2019 there was a proposal for a new height of Mt. Everest.

Xi Jinping declared to re-survey the mountains through the joint effort of both countries and share with the whole world. On December 8th| 2020 Government of Nepal and China jointly declared the new height of Mt. Everest as 8848.86 m / 29031.69 ft.

We Sherpa Himalaya team and whole Nepali citizen are very glad to know the new height of Mt. Everest 8848m and welcome the climbers to Nepal to climb the new height of Mt. Everest. Your Everest Expedition 2021 spring with Sherpa Himalaya.